Friday, January 28, 2011


Demonstrations in showing how a thing is done and emphasizing of the salient merits,utility and efficiency of a concept,a method or a process or an attitude.To ensure that the demonstration works,we ought to plan before we conduct the demonstration.It is the best for the expert demonstration to assume that his audience knows nothing or a little about what is intending to demonstrate for him to very thorough,clear and detailed in his demonstration even to a point of facing the risk of being repetitive.

Learning Bank #9-Teaching with Dramatized Experiences

We learn certain things quickly through an intense dramatic experience.Dramatic experiences are most effective with lessons in the affective domain.Some forms of dramatic experiences are play,pageant,pantomime,tableau,puppets and role playing.Most of the time,role playing is done by describing a practicality situation which would create different viewpoints on an issue.Plays also shows a life,character and cultural or combination of the three.Pageants are usually community dramas that are based on local history presented by local actors.